Oracle Attend The Worship Company of Pattenmakers Annual Dinner

Oracle Asbestos Solutions were extremely lucky and honoured to be able to attend the Annual Pattenmakers Facilities Management and Built Environment, black-tie dinner at the end of September.

The Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers is a City of London Livery Company that was awarded its Royal Charter in 1670. However, the company was first recorded as a trade association for the makers of pattens in 1379 and the trade itself dates from the 12th century or earlier.

Pattens were under-shoes designed to be worn outdoors and to lift the wearers and their shoes and ladies’ dresses above the mud and grime of early streets.

Today, the Pattenmakers’ Charitable Foundation has developed a new role in funding the design and bespoke fabrication of orthopaedic shoes, particularly for the UK’s injured servicemen.

The event was sponsored by some fantastic companies including Bellrock, Eden Brown, and CBB. It was also very well attended by professionals from all sectors of the Facilities Management & Construction industry.